We’re happy to offer free parking for our clients in the alley/laneway behind our building.

Deworming Services for Pets

Routine treatment to flush out intestinal worms that are a threat to your loyal companion’s health.

Deworming helps remove any parasites for your pet, which can not only impact their health but yours as well. Our veterinary team advocates for the use of preventive healthcare measures, like deworming, because it is a tried and true way to significantly reduce the risks of external and internal parasites.

What are risk factors of parasite infections?

Depending on the area you live in, your pet might be more susceptible to parasites. For example, there are certain areas of Ontario, like Toronto’s woodlands, where Lyme disease-infected ticks are more common. If you and your pet are frequent flyers, this might also increase their risk of contracting parasites. Also, if your pet is a social butterfly who likes to play with all the other furry friends at the park or outside, they might have a higher exposure rate. If you’re interested in having your pet dewormed, please contact us at 416-941-8920.

When should my pet get dewormed?

Pets are often born with parasites, since they’re passed on from their mother while they’re nursing. We recommend that puppies and kittens get dewormed more often – at least every few weeks until they’re 3-months-old. We will also recommend that your adult furry friend get dewormed monthly or depending on their risk of exposure. Parasites aren’t only harmful to your pet but also your other family members. For example, some parasites are zoonotic, which means your can pet pass diseases from parasites on to humans. If you have children, seniors, immunocompromised or pregnant family members at home, they might be at a higher risk.

What types of parasites does deworming remove?

Below are a few common intestinal parasites that can be removed with deworming:

  • Tapeworms
  • Hookworms
  • Whipworms
  • Roundworms
  • Ringworms
  • Heartworms
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