Vaccines for Puppies & Dogs

Shield your canine companion from diseases with a tailored vaccination plan.

Vaccinations protect your pet against diseases that can be extremely detrimental to their health. Treatment for some of these potentially harmful diseases are far more expensive than vaccinations. They are a great preventative health tool for all pets, even those who spend most of their time indoors.

What’s the difference between core and non-core vaccines?

Core vaccines are vaccines we recommend for all pets, while non-core are specific to your pet’s individual needs. For example, your pet might be at a higher risk for diseases like chlamydia, which we’ll recommend a non-core vaccination to protect them against. Vaccinations help build your pet’s immunity against a disease by providing them with full protection or minimizing the symptoms associated with it. We’d like to create a personalized vaccination plan to support their unique needs. To discuss your pet’s plan, please contact us at 416-941-8920.

What core vaccines do you recommend?

Regardless of whether your canine friend spends most of their days indoors, we recommend these core vaccines for them:

  • Distemper
  • Hepatitis
  • Parainfluenza
  • Parvovirus
  • Rabies

Non-core vaccines?

Our veterinary team will discuss your pet’s likelihood of contracting certain risk-based diseases, before recommending these non-core vaccines. Some of these include protection against:

  • Lyme disease
  • Bordetella
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